It's predominantly the notion of online gambling safety, which has lately become a matter of global concern. In particular, the more cases of fraudulence were recorded, the more critical the necessity of implementing certain measures to eliminate them became.
With the appearance of versatile certification bodies, the situation has definitely turned to better, and eCOGRA is known to be, perhaps, the most famous and reliable of them.
Origins, Goals and Benefits
eCommerce and Online Gaming Regulation and Assurance, or as it's generally called, eCOGRA, was established in 2003 in order to regulate online casinos' activities and provide their clients with the highest possible levels of security. Here, from the very beginning of the organization's history, almost a hundred internet sites have already passed through eCOGRA certification process, after which only safe online casinos' further work was approved of.
Undoubtedly, ordering eCOGRA certification appears to be inconceivably beneficial for a reputable internet gambling site, as this serves as a 100% guarantee for any player, entering it, that all his/her money will be protected, and the winnings - received on time.
Mission Impossible?
At the same time, getting a right to place "eCOGRA Play It Safe" logotype on the site's interface is worth more, than money, although the organization's services aren't cheap at all. The auditing procedure involves the inspection of more, than 100 aspects, concerning each online casino, such as the level of transparency, which it tends to provide, for instance; and a great number of financiers, lawyers and authoritative software providers are generally involved in the process.
No wonder, that with such an explicit approach, eCOGRA certification process isn't known to have ever resulted up well from the first attempt, - the standards, which online casinos are required to meet, turn out to be really incredible.
Getting Ready to Order
All things considered, among other certification bodies, like Price Waterhouse Coopers, or TST, for example, eCOGRA certification is still recognized to be the most essential one. Therefore, online casinos, which are willing to prove their reputation to gamblers, are usually suggested to order the organization's audit. Moreover, experts frequently advise to start preparing for this beforehand, in order to receive the desirable "eCOGRA Play It Safe" logo as soon as possible - that is, at least to align the casino's work with international gambling standards.