CryptoLogic Software

Within the whole online gambling history, there have appeared less, than 10 software providers, which managed to gain success and keep it till the present times. The reasons are, certainly, versatile, from some companies' unwillingness to invest money in the development of brand-new modifications of the traditional web-based gaming platforms, to their inability to meet the demanding international standards, as far as the technological aspect of online casinos' work is regarded.

At the same time, the modern survivors aren't only strikingly creative in terms of introducing innovative gaming applications, but also happen to preserve the highest levels of security, guaranteed by their products.

Experience is Strength

When studying the history of reputable casino software providers, one can easily notice that several of them entered the internet gambling market, having already got experience in other spheres, and CryptoLogic Software, in particular, is one of the companies, which have come through such a way.

Having been initially created as an enterprise, which provided money transfers in the internet-commerce, in 1995, CryptoLogic soon moved its focus on to online casino industry, realizing that its resources were quite sufficient to develop the interactive gaming platforms of the highest possible quality.

Mind-blowing Achievements

Further on, not willing to stop at what has been already accomplished, CryptoLogic Software made a decision, which turned out to play an incredibly essential role in the company's future.

Notably, it was the creation of InterCasino, a licensed online casino, which from the first days of its existence served as the company's platform for various experiments with gaming platforms. The latter were then used in newly-invented WagerLogic Software, which in addition to traditional gaming services, also offered online gambling management packages.

It's true, that CryptoLogic Software may be easily named one of the most reputable software providers, along with Rival Software, for instance, for its attempts to maintain the gambling standards and always remain one step ahead, obviously proved to have succeeded, when the company received Slot of The Year award in 2005, and Best Casino Software award a year later.

In a whole, it turns out rather clear, that CryptoLogic Software won't stop its development at this stage. Therefore, more innovations are yet to be introduced to the general gambling public. Let's just wait a little.